TIMA Spartans

This is a World Class Martial Arts Business Safety Net, a whole Team of Specialists in all areas of Martial Arts Business. From the Front of House to Behind the Scenes... WE HAVE YOU COVERED!


Here's the inconvenience truth...

No one marketing campaign, self proclaimed Guru or one part of the business will miraculously make your martial arts business explode with growth! Like the path towards Black Belt, there are many levels, skills and hardships and there are no shortcuts to success! And this is why...

Most Guru's Don't Run Dojo's

Take a look around the industry of coaches and marketers. How many of them are still running their own business... not many.

And those that do are often stuck in the 90's with strategies that no longer work, or have stopped innovating all together. 

They don't run ads, if they do they only have one business or they have closed up shop to go full time GURU and no longer keep touch with what is actually going on... And the worst....

They are trying to lock you into some contract, even after you have got no value and want to leave!

Marketing Quick Fixes don't work

How many ads do you see which tell you that you are one funnel away from massively crushing it!!!

Or, 'Get thousands of leads in days'?

The truth is that the vast majority of businesses don't get these results, and the one or two testimonials are usually faked.

If it really worked, you would see these businesses explode with growth.

But unfortunately it is all too common that an influx of leads or sales without the right systems will break your staff, business or bank without having long term gain!

There is no real Substance

A lot of Coaching Programs are all about the Motivational nonsense that just doesn't give you any real value.

Taken massive action and it hasn't worked?
Don't know what the next step is?

Then it is highly likely, like us, you were frustrated going to seminar after seminar, without actually getting any specific strategies out of the investment.

Hundreds or even thousands of dollars, without a single plan you could implement...

This has to end!

As Martial Arts Business Owners we are often in the trenches alone

Operating as a “lone wolf” if you will…

But when things go wrong, having no-one to turn to is a scary place to be.

* Failed marketing launches
* Lack of Leads
* No clear Plan of attack
* You're mentor never really knew business

These are all things that seriously hurt your confidence as a Business Owner... as well as your bottom line!

And while it can be done alone, it will take a lot longer than having someone who has been through everything you are going through, guiding you step by step through what is working right now!

That is why we created the Spartans Program

To give you the tangible exact systems that we use not only at the WA Institute of Martial Arts, which has grown to over 1700 members and continues to grow every month... But on million dollar martial arts businesses in every state... And when you work with all different locations, sizes and martial arts... the patterns of success become apparent. And now we have put those patterns and systems in one place for you at a price that won't crush your business bank account!

The total value of the TIMA Spartans Online Program is $1199.00 USD per month but we don't want money to be a barrier for you to grow your business.

Believe me when I say we know how hard it is to make enough profit to afford things like: 

  • Marketing and Marketing Training live, in Video and on Swipe File
  • Coaching & Mentoring Weekly Webinars
  • Online ready to use Systems and Swipe Files (100's of them)
  • 24/7 Online Community Support
  • and the list goes on...

It's always a battle of not enough time and not enough money. So for just $99 AUD per month, you can get access to not just the content we know will scale your results but a community of owners who are hitting six and seven figures in their business each and every year.

With over 200 Videos and Countless swipe files and weekly Webinars, this is the worlds most immersive Martial Arts Business Program...

So with no lock in contracts or hidden fees what are you waiting for?

Take a look at some of the killer results from our clients!


50% Complete

Two Step

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