Dojo Rescue: Podcast Episode 2- Call In Show

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If your company is doing well, but should be doing better.. Think about sales plan strategy revision and never limit your knowledge, time and ability. Watch the full video to learn more from the Dojo Rescue Team

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Rant: Invest In Your Staff

business martialarts rant Sep 03, 2018

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You Build People... And then people build the business.

Make sure to invest in your staff and treat them well. Remember, satisfied employees means satisfied clients.

Watch the video as Graham discusses its importance in business.

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Dojo Rescue: Podcast Episode 1 - Call In Show

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It’s a universal fact that right strategies never come up until you get the right listing. You need to roll out papers, communicate what it is you want to accomplish and aim for the goals.

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MA Business Success 125: Retention – Part 4 of 4

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It's that ability to get down on their level, but also rise above the level as well. To be able to empower and motivate, and inspire, but also understand and communicate, and console in that area. So an Influential Leader can almost rise and dip with the flow of a person's challenges, attitudes, abilities, and they bring out the best in someone.

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MA Business Success 124: Retention - Part 3 of 4

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Best to know the journey, know the individual, let them step up, be the very best that they can be. If that means raising the bar in some cases, or even lowering the bar, just maintain your standard. But in your heart of hearts, make sure that you identify that they're all on their own journey.

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MA Business Success 123: Retention - Part 2 of 4

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One of the mindset, as an instructor, you have to be able to compartmentalize the issues, or challenges, or the feelings that you're facing right there, because these people are paying money to be in that class for that one hour. You have to bring your A game. Make that class pumping. If you need music blaring, great. If you need to splash your face with water or whatever, slap yourself in the face, whatever. Get in the right mindset, a mental state to be able to attack that every single class as it's the most important class that you'll ever teach.

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MA Business Success 122: Retention - Part 1 of 4

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In this new podcast series, the next four episodes are going to be all about Retention. Keeping your students longer. For the first part, Phil & Graham will talk about building a community and how important that is, when it comes to retention of students. As your business grow larger and larger, you've got to make sure you actively put some effort into keeping that family feel, that gel, that cohesiveness. It's one of those things that sometimes are overlooked, they get so big that people feel disjointed, they don't feel part of something.

This episode will offer you tips on how to bring them all back together.

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Rant: 3 C's To Create Magic Classes

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There are three C's to magic classes. Number one is to connect. Connect with every single student that comes your way. Connect with them with the appropriate touch with your words, with your eyes. Then, you need to create.

Create magical, impactful classes that leads them excited and wanting to come back. Last but not least, confidence. Give them the confidence that they can apply the skills that they've learnt in the outside world.

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Rant: Leave Your Shoes At The Door

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In this Rant, Phil discusses the impact that instructors leave their students after every class. It is important to leave your baggage at the door & don’t bring them to the mat.

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Cut: Be A Good Finder

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"Be a good finder" means to go find the good and not pick up all the bad. Often we focus and we find 10 things that are wrong, but that's the thing. See everything, correct a little when the time comes and praise a lot.


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