5 Proven Martial Arts Marketing Strategies to Grow Your School in 2022


A New Era of Growth

Your Martial Arts school is under a new era. And if you were planning on things going back to “pre-pandemic normal” — it’s time to scrap those plans.

The Covid-19 pandemic wasn’t like throwing a rock into a still lake, with ripples that move outward until they finally disappear and the stillness returns. Rather, the pandemic was like a storm that morphs and shifts a lake’s landscape, permanently. 

The marketing strategies that used to work for your school might not work in 2022 and beyond because the landscape has completely changed. Your plans need to be adapted, reimagined, or even scrapped entirely to meet the new expectations of today’s customers.

As we look ahead to this year and the future, it’s important for schools to invest time, budget, or resources into the Five Martial Arts Marketing Strategies we have detailed below for your school to grow.


No Gimmicks, No Marketing BS!


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MA Business Success 76: Not-for-profit Schools

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Phil Britten:
Hey, and welcome back to 2017 podcast with TIMA Martial Arts Business Success. My name's Phil Britten ...


Graham McD:
Graham McDonnell.


Phil Britten:
Well, Graham, you've been away for about six weeks.


Graham McD:
I have been. The joys of having a great business partner, a great system in place with the staff; I can go away and feel comfortable the place is pumping. So I've come back and I'm catching up with everything.


Phil Britten:
We've been doing some catch-up podcasts in January, just because of our time away. Both have been away but Graham has definitely been away, which has been good. We're up to episode number 76 which is fantastic. We've really got to revolutionise a yes or [inaudible 00:00:44] made a bit of a switch this year with some offers, some opportunities, for you to take action on us helping you.



One of them that I want to talk...

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MA Business Success 72: How to Review, Analyse and Plan for Success

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Phil: Welcome back to another amazing podcast of Martial Arts Business Success. I am Phil Britten.

Graham: Graham McDonnell as always.

Phil: As always, and we're here to kick start your year with an absolute bang. Give you guys some motivation, some inspiration maybe some tips on how you can start your year with an absolutely massive bang. Graham?

Graham: Well, this is something that's dear and near to both of us, Phil, because I guess you've gotta remember where you come from and you've gotta appreciate where you've been there. Look, with any success story, and they talk about, "Wow, you're an overnight success," they don't see the 20 years of blood, sweat, and tears behind the scenes. So I guess we're starting this year from a point of appreciation, of gratitude. We're being thankful. And just understanding for you to grow this year you gotta be thankful for where you are right now. Now, for...

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MA Business Success 71: How to Use Technology in Your Dojo

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Phil: Hey, welcome to another amazing podcast, giving you great, sound advice on how you can build your business and take it to the next level. My name is Phil Britten.

Graham: Graham McDonnell, as always.

Phil: And this is the Martial Art Business Success Podcast, or vlog if you're watching it on video as well. So today we wanna crack a topic for you as well, because as we move into technology and new ways of doing things, we gotta stay with the trend, we can't be left behind. So today's topic is how to use technology in the dojo.

Graham: Jeez. Now, I know that many, many, many years ago, martial arts, for me as an instructor, was just from my head to the class, that was it. There was no structure there. Then it evolved to a piece of paper, sort of written notes. Jeez, evolution. The very first iPad was the one I'd written on, okay? Then, next was a photocopy of a curriculum that we made and then so...

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MA Business Success 69: Haters Gonna Hate

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Phil: What's up, team? Welcome to another amazing podcast called the Martial Arts Business Success, and we're here to give great sound advice to help you build, grow, and monetize your business. I'm here with Graham McDonnell, as always, myself, Phil Britten. We're on the couch, we're here. If you're listening, make sure you get on YouTube and our website and find the videos. If you're watching and you just can't do it in the car, which is probably illegal, make sure you get on the podcast and download it on iTunes, so you get those automatic updates. Now, before I get into what we're talking about today, I really just want to mention that every topic that we come up with is either a question from someone or something that's come out of dealings with people. Now, here's the thing. Either I write the questions down, and Graham has no idea what I'm saying of talking about until the moment, or vice versa. So the answers...

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MA Business Success 68: How to Deal with Difficult Staff Issues

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Phil Britten: What up, team? Welcome to Martial Arts Business Success. My name is Phil Britten, and we have...

Graham McDonell: Graham McDonell, as always.

Phil: ...and always, right here, on the couch where all the action happens to give you guys the tools, the tips, the strategies on how you can build your business which ultimately gives you the life that you desire. That's why we're in business, isn't it? So, mate, we've got a good one here today. Now, if you're a business owner of martial arts and you have multiple staff then you're going to want to be listening or watching this. If you don't quite have staff yet and you're thinking about it, you want to be watching and listening to this because this is the stuff you're going to be dealing with very, very soon. So Graham, dealing with staffing and problems, what are the types of problems that they may have or we, as business owners, may have with...

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MA Business Success 67: Raz Laver Interview - Part 2 of 2

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Phil: Well, welcome back to another "Martial Arts Business Success" podcast. And we're here once again with Raz and Graham and myself, Phil Britten, giving you guys great tools, tips, and strategies on how you can build, grow, and monetize your martial arts business. Now, last recording we talked a little bit about the importance in video and the difference between sort of every day, sort of selfie style videos and professional videos. Now we're going to talk about, sort of collaborate about what we do, what Raz has seen, on what you should do, when you should do it, and how we should do it. Now we're definitely no professionals but we're just in there doing it.

So social media is an ever-changing landscape and the one real time when you think you've got it, guess what? It changes on you. So you know, it's good to see Raz. He gets around and does all this stuff for all these different businesses,...

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MA Business Success 15: Martial Arts Pricing Strategies

Alex: Today we're going to be discussing pricing your martial arts service, which, I guess, is...well, where do you start with that one, Graham? Graham: Look, it's...you know, having traveled the world and speaking to lots of different business owners, they get nervous about putting their fees up, or charging, you know, a premium for what was traditionally considered like a hobby. But, it's important now in this sort of new economy, in this new age, to look around at what other parents are spending on other activities. For example, how much would it cost for gymnastics? How much would it cost for dancing? What about another sport like football, or a private training guitar lesson? And just get a general understanding of what other sports and activities are charging in your area. You may be actually quite surprised at what the dance studio is charging versus what you as a martial artist are charging. And you ask any martial artist, the service we provide isn't just kicks and...

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Word of Mouth Marketing in Martial Arts Business

Does your martial arts school prioritise word of mouth marketing? It’s one of the most convincing and cost-effective marketing techniques available to businesses, yet it’s often overlooked when you’re first starting out. Word of mouth marketing (referred to as WOMM by many businesses) is a successful martial arts marketing tool for schools all over the world. Following his experience in his own school, WAIMA, co-founder Graham McDonnell believes: Word of mouth is by far the best way to get your brand out there without it being a major cost.” 

What is word of mouth marketing?

Has someone else’s experience with a business ever been so good you decided to try it yourself? Perhaps you were told about it in conversation after you expressed your desire for a similar service. Perhaps you were told because your connection felt compelled to tell you simply to share the good news. If you’ve had conversations like this, then you have participated...

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MA Business Success 14: Handling Helicopter Parents


Alex: Today we're going to be talking about a difficult one. We're talking about helicopter parents and how on earth you handle them. So, Phil, kick us off. What are your tips for handling difficult parents hovering around? Phil: Yeah, I suppose if you're in any business or you're around any sporting activity, you should know what helicopter parents are. Alex: Yes. Okay, first off, define them. Phil: For those of us who aren't too sure, they're the parent who hovers around offering, well, I wouldn't even say advice. They're bantering. They're yelling at their child. They might be negatively pointing out other children, that they're not meeting standard and all that sort of stuff. So they're that splinter in your foot while you're trying to teach class, and they're yelling out on the sidelines. In particular in martial arts, we have you know...the bigger your school, the more you're going to...

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